
Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Troubleshooting Guide for the Lovelorn

As B follows A, the following will.....

1. Never plant your nipples in veto. Homburgs will do.

2. Fat butch boys will larrup twitchily if your coits do not align. Align your coits!

3. Shame is a twig on a custardy tree. Draw a bath to deny the myth of the placenta.

4. Tentpegging hands oh clasp me scientifically. Scaredy clowns GROOWWW.....

5. Perplexing symbols are cheeseworth this semester. Alicantists decant stencils peremptorily for thunder.

6. What a grimp! Silently allowing binbags to accrue will pay off in the end. Beware the end is Nigel.

7. Vertebrae on a small girl are truly wholesome. Try a seltzer or David Meltzer. Lock the doors and present it. What is not mutable or inscrutable or subbuteo will remain in Maine for the leap year to queer with beer.

8. New spayed bag dreams are all too lovely with your curt hurty eyes. I am splenetically charged to sour fugues sophistically.

9. Homewreckers made future today with sylphlike dexterity, winking orgasms twixt bilgewater and hollyhock with eager eerie egress. Pince McLeahy nogged flickheads under the at of by with you quite so why not heed. Fake Chinese laugh.

10. ju-jump at it, gotta get to it, headbang sally sallow hugger-mugger nugent new study of how to be who rye bread great freedom needle quite so i've had gangrene since before you started percolating it's a task punchy not to new not to new to old yikes people invet the maw. so it has happened, percy has invaded the ughs, with a troupe of klaxons..... now say now hinge me benji, slabhappy freckles dont cut not what yip twa jentiel wrewth nubbfh imply this that rether nb fge saw me yes this is not the time fergint twang......

11. Hard and wet is only way brother-sister. You necktie twistily saviour.

12. One day will you let me have your phone number, and I will not transgress your boundaries. I am a slim human with tawdry features and a hellbent passion for the freedom of the signifier. Urine is not an issue for me.

13. No rule 13s!

14. I am cured. Say it, I am cured. I am cured. I am well, good, pure! Pure! I have the courage to appeal my own worth. I am a full human being. Full! Take me, be me, accept me, I am cured. I, I.

15. Fuck it, my back's hurting.


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